En el País de la Vida

Eleazar Cortés is a true servant of the Church. A few years back, when he recognized the need for wedding music in Spanish, he created El Amor Nunca Pasará. More recently, he's been concerned about the repertoire for funeral liturgies. His latest collection, En el País de la Vida (In the Land of the Living), gives Hispanic parishes 14 richly crafted new songs for use in Christian funerals.
The titles include psalms, Communion songs, entrance hymns, songs of farewell, music for final commendation, and a Gospel acclamation. Featuring a variety of traditional and Latin American styles, the songs are accessible to the resources of the average parish. The poetic song texts are based on the ritual texts for funerals (paraphrased).
Of course, this music is designed for use in the liturgy. But as with his previous collections, the CD is so colorfully recorded that it makes great listening outside the liturgy. Produced by Pedro Rubalcava, it features Latin American instruments and rhythms and great performances by professional musicians.
En el País de la Vida is another triumph for this talented composer and servant of the people of God. The funeral liturgy in Spanish never sounded so beautiful!